Vision & Mission

A high-tech intensive and advanced approach connecting people, information, governance and politics using new technologies to create an efficient, clean, energy secure, sustainable, ecofriendly, competitive and innovative region with an enhanced quality of life.

Smart Region, according to Smart Places

The vision of the Smart Atlantic Way (SAW) initiative is to co-develop the enabling collaborative mechanisms and digital infrastructure to optimally harness available resources, capacities and natural endowments distributed across the region and to create new capacities as well as value chains which will strengthen our regional economy and address other priority challenges.

Our pillars

Smart Governance

In order to create a future-ready regional environment, with the critical infrastructure and intelligent, efficient and interconnected online services.

Smart Business

It is important to enable businesses to stay connected, with each other and the rest of the world, and to benefit from the deployment of smart technologies.

Smart Sustainably

It is important for our Smart Region to ensure that such growth is sustainable, both economically and environmentally.

Smart Communities

Economic activities are steadily growing by harnessing digital technologies with attention to environmental costs and impacts of the initiatives.

Smart Business

Businesses nowadays have to become smart businesses, able to exploit data about not only their own activities but also about their environment, other stakeholders in the region.

The Western Region In Numbers

1/3 of our
population under 25
(youngest population
in the EU)

2/5 3rd level
(highest rate
in western world)

Direct access
to EU and US Markets
2 International Airports
3 Ports


Low cost
of Living
High Quality
of Life

Priority Areas

Smart Regional Observatory

The leadership and ambition, to oversee, guide and steer the formulating of a strategic programme of work, which will drive forward the Smart Atlantic Way.

Data Infrastructure & Services

Will open up access to technical expertise, knowledge and data resources for enabling the initiation, development and sustainability of a common regional infrastructure.

Smart Business Network

Will drive on, the existing and new regional network of businesses to provide a platform of support, pursue collective and emerging initiatives, share Smart activity, knowledge and expertise.

Smart Community

Will actively engage communities to identify their specific needs as basis for developing initiatives in the areas of protection of vital local services (e.g. community policing), tourism and cultural facilities by exploiting digital and smart technologies.

e-Governance Framework

To guide the appropriation of decision rights in SAW initiatives, to provide mechanisms for coordination and monitoring of ongoing initiatives at community, local authority and regional levels for effectiveness and attainment of associated regional goals.